GG - good game
GGWP - good game well played
GG EZ - taunting someone at the game after winning
AFK - Away from keyboard
3D - Three-dimensional games
2D two-dimensional games
AI - artificial inteligence (used to call someone bad at a game)
Bot - used to call someone bd at a game.
Cheat - to either be good at the game or have a competitive advantage
Hack - to either be good at the game or have a competitive advantage
Mob - a hostile NPC or Bot
NPC - non player computer (bot)
FPS - frames per second
HP - hit points or how much health you have
K/D - kill death, how kills you got and how many deaths you have
XP - experience points
OP - overpowered
Patch - to fix an issue
Ping - A measurement of your latency.
PVP - Player vs. player
PVE - Player vs. environment
RNG - random number generator
Nerf - to make something more balanced
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